
How To Repair Acl Tear Without Surgery

ACL Tear Repair Without Surgery

Do you have an MRI-confirmed partial or consummate tear of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and have been told surgery is your only option?

Perc-ACLR (percutaneous ACL repair) is a procedure that Regenexx physicians created to treat full and partial anterior cruciate ligament tears non-surgically. ACL tears are i of the more than common knee injuries we treat, and many not-retracted full and partial tears tin be treated in all but the near serious cases.

Repair of ACL tear without surgery

You lot take some important things to consider in making the best decision for your recovery, your return to sport or normal activity, and, ultimately, your long-term health. At Regenexx, our goal is to save your ACL, not supplant information technology. The existing research and our meaning expertise support the possibility for successful natural healing of ACL injuries.

The Per-ACLR is a highly precise X-ray guided injection of your own orthopedic bone marrow concentrate and can be completed in one day. It is far less invasive than surgery, and by and large requires far shorter recovery times.

Perc-ACLR Surgery
Procedure Invasiveness Much less Much more than
Return to Sports three to 6 months 1 year
Keep your ACL Yes NO
Recovery Brace, much less extensive PT Crutches, brace, extensive PT

How Does Regenexx Work?

At Regenexx, nosotros invented a new approach to orthopedic intendance we phone call Interventional Orthopedics. This minimally invasive culling to ACL surgery uses ultrasound-guided technology to precisely inject your ain os marrow concentrate — which contains stem cells — directly where it's needed in the joint.

The cells in your bone marrow concentrate work at the site of your injury to promote your body's natural healing abilities to treat the tear and avoid surgery1.

The procedure ordinarily occurs over ane day. Start, your Regenexx md will excerpt a small corporeality of os marrow using precise imaging guidance, a specialized extraction technique unique to Regenexx.

Once the marrow is drawn and candy by a Regenexx lab technician, you will have time to relax before the reinjection of the harvested bone marrow concentrate into your ACL, done iii to half-dozen hours later.

Specialized local anesthesia is practical before the reinjection using fluoroscopy (real-time imaging guidance). MRI imaging forth with X-ray contrast is used to carefully map the torn ligament during the procedure, providing a "roadmap" for your doctor to implant bone marrow concentrate into the damaged areas of the ligament.

After the procedure, your joint will be sore for ane to three days, but the pain will go less severe and less frequent within five to seven days. Most patients annotation that they see improvement to their ACL inside a month and can resume light activities and begin concrete therapy.

Am I a candidate?

Scout a real patient'southward Regenexx process

We maintain an active national registry to track patients' progress and/or side effects afterward procedures. On average, Regenexx patients who were treated for ACL tears, written report:

Regaining averages of up to 74% role

A 45% decrease in joint hurting later on one month

Earlier and AFTER ProcedureMRI Images

Take a look at the outcomes of three patients who had a process instead of ACL surgery. Whorl the arrow to the right to encounter the MRI of the ACL before their Regenexx treatment and to the left to run into the result.

The BEFORE shows a torn ACL. The expanse should be a dark band going diagonally, as shown on the AFTER.

Patient one MRI

Get started to see if you are a Regenexx candidate

To talk i-on-1 with one of our team members about how Regenexx may be able to help your orthopedic pain or injury, please complete the form below and we will exist in touch with you within the next business day.

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Nosotros volition provide information to help you decide whether yous desire to schedule an evaluation with a Regenexx Physician.

Insurance typically covers evaluations and diagnostic testing (if recommended). Near insurance plans currently do not cover Regenexx Procedures.

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6151 Thornton Avenue
Suite 400
Des Moines, IA 50321


*DISCLAIMER: Like all medical procedures, Regenexx® Procedures take a success and failure rate. Patient reviews and testimonials on this site should not be interpreted every bit a statement on the effectiveness of our treatments for anyone else.

Providers listed on the Regenexx website are for informational purposes only and are non a recommendation from Regenexx for a specific provider or a guarantee of the effect of any treatment you receive.


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